How Arboriculture can Help us to Save Local Trees

Since I started this page, my purpose has been to disclose the scientific knowledge of plants (Botany) and their interactions with other living beings and with the environment that surrounds them (Ecology). Today we will learn about the study and management of urban trees and associated plants (Urban Forestry and Arboriculture), all thanks to my personal experience with the great team of Tree Surgeons in Edinburgh belonging to Arborist Direct Edinburgh.

They promote the dissemination of knowledge about trees among children, youth, and adults from all social sectors (users, fans, workers, managers, managers, and more) as part of their community work. They also develop strategies for the transmission of knowledge, to enrich the general awareness of the interaction between plants and people. I think their values, ​​and my goals align very well.

Why are trees so important?

As we know, trees are considered the longest living things on the planet. In addition to witnessing the history of humanity, people have benefited from their proximity, both by obtaining resources such as food and wood and by the way they improve the environment around them, maintaining the quality of the water, the air, and soil with which they interact.

Why is proper tree maintenance important?

Pruning is the most common procedure for tree maintenance and is desirable or necessary to improve or maintain its structure, health, and aesthetics, or for safety.

The word pruning has a simple meaning: selective cutting of branches for a specific purpose. However, to carry out pruning work, you must understand the biology and basic requirements of trees to optimize their health and structure, as each cut has the potential to change the tree’s growth, so none of its branches should be removed without clearly defined reasons.

The reasons or the pruning objectives have to consider the growth and development of the tree and its effects on the long term. Also correctly removing trunks and branches, to achieve specific goals, is as important as making the appropriate cuts.

The best arborists and Tree Surgeons DO NOT approve of the practice of tree topping, which is the most common and consists of cutting trunks or branches drastically and indiscriminately leaving stumps and/or partially or totally eliminating the crown.

This affects the beauty and health of trees, since they lose their natural form, makes them susceptible to pests, diseases and can lead to the death of the tree, among other consequences. If you want to know more about why not topping, we recommend the following reading of the Arbor Day Foundation newsletter (click here.)

Another type of tree maintenance is felling, which can be defined as cutting from the base of the tree. This type of practice should be the last resort to be used and all possibilities to avoid it should be examined, making a detailed analysis of the different factors that intervene in the tree. A professional arborist can help you decide if your tree should be removed when necessary.

It is important to have professional and trained arborists to diagnose trees and carry out the type of maintenance that is required to improve and/or maintain their health and beauty, so if you have questions about your tree or require an Inquiry, I invite you to approach Arborist Direct Edinburgh (click here) or write to your email, where you can direct your questions to professionals.

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